Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas # 12 - We Want a White Christmas!

In this country we can never be sure to have a white christmas. So this year we captured a snowman, put him in a jar along with some snowy weather and secured with a lid. And voila: White Christmas!!


Anonymous said...

What an adorable idea!
Thanks for sharing.

Anne said...

Hvor er den bare for sød, kanon idé, jeg må straks på jagt efter glas!

Og hvor er det så for øvrigt bare dejligt med dit lille billede der i hjørnet! Hyggeligt at kunne sætte et ansigt på, når jeg tænker på dig :-)
Kh Anne

Tongue in Cheek Antiques said...

My husband loves, and I mean loves, these snow jars! Yours is sweet and the jar original!

Anonymous said...

cute; what's he made out of?

Donna H. said...

Can you go into details exactly how you did this? Thanks so much! He's very cute!